Goldman Sachs Prime Brokerage Agreement

Goldman Sachs Prime Brokerage Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

In the world of finance, prime brokerage services are crucial for hedge funds, private equity firms, and other institutional clients that require access to securities trading, financing, and risk management services. Goldman Sachs, one of the largest investment banks in the world, offers prime brokerage solutions to a broad range of clients, and understanding its prime brokerage agreement is essential for anyone looking to work with the firm. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the Goldman Sachs prime brokerage agreement and what you need to know before signing up.

What is a prime brokerage agreement?

A prime brokerage agreement is a contract between a prime broker, such as Goldman Sachs, and a hedge fund or other institutional client. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the services provided by the prime broker, including securities lending, financing, custody, trade execution, and risk management services. The agreement also specifies the fees and charges associated with the services provided.

What services does Goldman Sachs offer under its prime brokerage agreement?

Goldman Sachs Prime Services provides a comprehensive set of services to its institutional clients, including:

– Prime brokerage services: The bank provides clients with access to global equity, fixed income, currency, and commodity markets. The prime brokerage services include securities lending, margin financing, trade execution, and risk management.

– Clearing and settlement: Goldman Sachs handles the clearance and settlement of trades executed by its clients, ensuring timely and accurate processing.

– Fund administration: The bank offers fund accounting, reporting, and compliance services to help clients manage their operations and meet regulatory requirements.

– Technology and analytics: Goldman Sachs provides clients with access to its proprietary technology and analytics tools to help them make informed investment decisions.

– Financing: The bank offers a range of financing solutions, including securities-based loans, margin financing, and financing for securities transactions.

What are the fees associated with the Goldman Sachs prime brokerage agreement?

The fees associated with the prime brokerage agreement vary depending on the services provided and the volume of business conducted by the client. Typically, prime brokers charge a combination of fees, including:

– Prime brokerage fees: These fees cover the cost of providing access to securities trading, financing, and risk management services.

– Clearing and settlement fees: These fees cover the cost of clearing and settling trades executed by the client.

– Fund administration fees: These fees cover the cost of fund accounting, reporting, and compliance services.

– Technology and analytics fees: These fees cover the cost of providing access to proprietary technology and analytics tools.


The Goldman Sachs prime brokerage agreement is a crucial contract for institutional clients looking to access the bank’s prime brokerage services. Understanding the terms and conditions of the agreement, as well as the fees associated with the services provided, is essential before signing up. Clients should work closely with their Goldman Sachs relationship managers to ensure they get the most out of their prime brokerage relationship.

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